Volunteer FAQ

How Can I Help?

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If you are an attorney and would like to accept a pro bono case, please click here or contact PSB@dadelegalaid.org. Put Something Back offers a variety of cases and innovative projects involving a wide array of pro bono opportunities. Please join the ranks of thousands of Miami attorneys and accept a case from one of Dade Legal Aid's award winning projects: Family Law & GAL Project, Child Advocacy Project, Foster Youth Project, Probate & Guardianship Project, Domestic Violence Project, Consumer Project, Housing Project, Patent Project, Venture Law Project, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Self Help Clinics and more. For a list of pending cases click HERE

The Florida Bar Annual Statement includes a pro bono reporting requirement to report your contributions toward the Supreme Court aspirational goals of either 20 hours of pro bono service or donating $350 to Legal Aid each year. While providing pro bono is optional, completing the pro bono reporting form is mandatory.  If you are presently working on a case, you may simply report your hours in order to receive pro bono credit. If you cannot accept a case and/or would like to make a donation of $350 or more in lieu of accepting a case, please donate online or mail your "Buy-In" check to Dade Legal Aid.  After you accept a case, you may receive a mentor, training and materials upon request.  If you are a student, post-grad, retired, government attorney, part time, paralegal or paraprofessional, please consider donating your time with administrative tasks, client intake, translating and our Legal Helpline. 

"Buy-In" Contributions

As attorneys, we took an Oath and solemnly swore to never reject, from any consideration, the cause of the defenseless or oppressed. In support of that Oath, Florida Bar Rule 4-6.1 encourages attorneys to give back at least 20 hours of pro bono service annually or make a financial contribution of $350 and to report these contributions. "Buy-Ins" help us continue providing critical legal services to disadvantaged individuals and families, especially during these challenging times. Your contribution fulfills your pro bono requirement so long as you report your donation on your Bar Dues Statement. Click here to contribute. 

Monetary Donations

Individual, 100% Law Firm, CyPres, Corporate and other charitable donations help sustain the critical work of Dade Legal Aid. You and your firm may also designate Dade Legal Aid in your United Way Charitable Giving, through the Dade Legal Aid Fund at the Miami Foundation, and in your Estate Planning.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Put Something Back? (“PSB”)  The Official Program for providing pro bono, or free legal assistance to the needy of Miami-Dade County, designed to increase access to the civil legal system and improve the administration of justice.  PSB serves as a clearinghouse for attorneys who volunteer to help the indigent of the community including the large population of Spanish-speaking and Creole-speaking populations. Through PSB, clients are referred to volunteer attorneys who speak their language and are experienced in a wide range of legal matters to assist the needs of the poor and indigent Spanish-speaking and Creole-speaking communities.  Cases are referred in areas of family law; children’s matters requiring Guardians Ad Litem in family, juvenile dependency, domestic violence, probate and civil court proceedings; consumer, bankruptcy; and housing concerns; domestic violence permanent injunction matters;  general civil issues; social security and veterans benefits; employment matters; the preparation and processing of Wills; and, non-fee generating civil court cases.  Since its inception in 1991​, the pro bono program has handled thousands of cases and recruited 7,500 attorneys, including private, corporate counsel and law firms who have signed up to assist. It is the largest and most comprehensive pro bono project in Florida.

What about professional liability insurance? When you accept a case through PSB, you are covered by our E&O insurance for free.  If you have your own insurance, PSB insurance is in excess of any other.  If you are uninsured, it is primary for any covered claims so long as you have followed program procedures.

What if I cannot accept the case referred to me? If you are unable to accept the case referred, you must IMMEDIATELY contact the client and PSB at (305) 579 – 5733 ext. 2249 or jnapoles@dadelegalaid.org.  Once a case is referred to you, it is deemed accepted until or unless you notify PSB otherwise. 

I am a criminal, government, corporate or PI attorney.  How can I accept a case? PSB has a wide range of cases for volunteers including expungement cases, minor settlements and contracts.  We will train you if you are unfamiliar with the case categories offered.  PSB provides FREE CLE accredited training courses and has experienced attorneys willing to assist you in all areas as mentors.  Forms and manuals are available upon request. (Click here for more information)

I am retired or not presently practicing law, or I have no office or staff.  What can I do? PSB needs your assistance. Retired and inactive attorneys may become “Emeritus” lawyers and accept cases under the supervision of a Legal Aid staff attorney or may assist with client intake. You also may donate funds, participate in pro se clinics, provide training, refer cases, be a mentor, or help prepare forms and handbooks.  Training and assistance are available to all participants.

I volunteer at my church, provide wills for my neighbors or help the Girl Scouts.  Does that qualify for PSB? PSB’s goal is to recruit all members of the private bar to provide legal representation to the poor so that they will have equal access to the judicial system.  General community service is commended but will not qualify, nor will legal work for a non-eligible client organization.

Participation in an approved pro bono legal project will qualify.  You must notify this office upon acceptance of a referral from a qualifying project in order to be credited.  If you or your group want to begin a qualifying project, contact PSB for approval and assistance.

How many hours and how many cases am I expected to handle? PSB volunteers contribute a minimum of 20 hours of legal services per year or “buy-in” for $350.00 per year to Legal Aid.

When is a case completed? After accepting a case, the attorney is expected to complete the case to final resolution, not including an appeal.

Who pays costs? All pro bono clients are low income.  The Affidavit of Indigency is the official court document which must be filed in order for the clerk to waive filing fees, serve process, make copies, or publish notices of action.  For Bankruptcy cases, there is a different form for filing for indigency status. Very limited funds are available to pay other costs (e.g. depositions, expert witnesses).  If the client cannot pay and you need to expend these or other costs, you must call PSB first for approval.  Only approved costs will be reimbursed.  Mediation services are available to pro bono attorneys at no cost. 

What if I collect a fee? Where possible, volunteers should seek to recover fees and costs from opposing parties.  All fees and costs collected are rebated to PSB and will help defray the costs of other cases.    (Click here for Cost Recovery Agreement). 


How does the program work? Put Something Back “PSB” accepts applications for English, Spanish and Creole-speaking individuals online at www.dadelegalaid.org and through a secure telephonic intake system 305-579-5733.  If you are income eligible and qualify for the program’s services, and PSB has located an available pro bono attorney to handle your case, PSB will notify you by mail or email.  PSB does not handle fee generating cases, or cases where someone is suing another party for damages. The project does not accept emergencies.

Who can receive free legal assistance through Put Something Back? You may be eligible for free legal assistance through Put Something Back if: 1) Your household income is not greater than 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, 2) You are a resident of Miami-Dade County,  3)  You have a civil legal matter that is handled by Put Something Back’s volunteer attorneys, and 4) You have not already been advised that you do not qualify. To find out if you may qualify for free legal assistance through this program, you must apply and be screened by the program. 

What type of legal matters are handled by this program? In general, the following civil court matters are handled by Put Something Back’s volunteer attorneys: children’s cases requiring the appointment of a Guardians ad Litem or an Attorney ad Litem in juvenile, family, domestic violence, probate and civil court, family cases, consumer matters, bankruptcies, housing, domestic violence matters for persons seeking permanent injunctions for protection, the preparation and processing of Wills, and other civil areas of law.  Put Something Back also coordinates the “Wills on Wheels” Program, which assists the homebound, incapacitated and elderly of our community who need help in the preparation of their Wills, but are unable to travel, Florida Patent Pro Bono Project, Financial Literacy Programs, Venture Law and Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.

What type of legal matters are not handled by this program? Cases that are not handled by the program include: Criminal, juvenile delinquency, personal injury, and traffic cases; civil cases where you are suing for money; small claims court cases (lawsuits up to $8,000); cases that can be settled by existing court mediation programs, such as landlord/tenant mediation; child support enforcement cases processed by the State Attorney’s Office; any case for which you need emergency legal attention within 21 days of your applying for the program’s services, and, cases that can be handled by another program. To find out if your particular case qualifies, you must be screened by program staff.

How do I apply for the program’s services?

The fastest and easiest way to apply is on line www.dadelegalaid.org or call 305-579-5733.

What do I need to apply for the program’s services?

Please be prepared to provide upon request the following information to verify that you qualify for the program::

1) A picture ID, such as a driver’s license, passport or resident card  showing that you are a resident of Miami-Dade County;

2) If you or other members of your household are employed, copies of pay stubs or letters from employers stating incomes. If you or other members of your household are self-employed, notarized affidavits explaining the nature of the work and income;

3) If you or other members of your household receive any public assistance, social security or other documents to verify the amount of benefits;

4)  Any other legal papers or other documents which will assist program staff in determining the type of legal assistance needed.

What happens if I fail to provide accurate information? If you misrepresent your income or the nature of your case, you may be rejected by the referral attorney. If your economic circumstances change at any time, you must notify the program’s staff immediately.

If I qualify for the program’s free legal services, will I be responsible for paying any costs?

Although your attorney’s services will be free, you may have to pay for depositions, expert witnesses and other costs, depending on the type and complexity of your case.

If a person does not speak English, when is an interpreter needed?

Put Something Back staff assists English, Spanish and Creole-speaking persons. However, when meeting with an attorney assigned to the case, you may need to bring a translator. 

If I don’t qualify for the program’s free legal services, who may I contact for legal assistance?

If you do not qualify under Put Something Back’s low income guidelines, or you have a case that is not handled by the program, please contact the Miami-Dade Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service which provides referrals to private attorneys for people who can afford to pay an attorney 1-888-305-5291. You may also visit the Florida Bar’s website at https://lrs.flabar.org. Information for Public Defender clients and their families can be found on the Public Defender’s web site at http://www.pdmiami.com

For further information about Put Something Back, who do I call?

To reach Put Something Back and the Legal Aid Society (305)579-5733 ext. 2222.

NOTE: If you are a person with a disability and need assistance in contacting the Put Something Back office, please call the ADA Coordinator at Florida Relay Services by dialing 1-800-955-8771 (TDD). Ask to be connected to the Put Something Back project at telephone number (305) 579-5733 ext. 2252 or you may email psb@dadelegalaid.org.

If I am a person with a disability and need assistance, who do I call?

If you are a person with a disability and need assistance in appearing in court or participating in a court program or service, please contact the Court ADA Coordinator, at: Voicemail: (305) 349-7175 TDD: (305) 349-7174 Fax No: (305) 349-7355

If you are a person with a disability and need assistance in contacting the Put Something Back office, please call the ADA Coordinator at Florida Relay Services by dialing 1-800-955-8771 (TDD).  Ask to be connected to the Put Something Back project at telephone number (305) 579-579-5733 ext. 2252.

Can I collect a fee? Pro bono clients are indigent and should not be charged fees unless you determine that they are over income and not eligible for free services.  Different agencies may have their own policies so if you receive a case from another agency check their policy but the general rule is that no client should ever be charged a fee.  At times, however, volunteers may seek to recover fees and costs from opposing parties and statutorily mandated fees when appropriate and may remit these to us to help defray costs associated with administering the program.  Please consider us when any type of fees or awards such as Cy pres may arise and notify us immediately if you recover fees and/or costs.

Who pays costs? All pro bono clients are low income and of limited means. The Affidavit of Indigency is the official court document that must be filed with the Clerk of Court in order for the Clerk to consider waiving filing fees, service of process, make copies or publish notices of action (for Bankruptcy Cases please use the following application forms to be considered for Waiver of Filing Fees or for Installment Payments of Filing Fee). We do not pay for these or other costs (depositions, expert witnesses, private investigators). If the client cannot pay and you need to expend these or other costs, you must obtain written pre-approval or your costs will NOT be reimbursed by the agency.  Please seek to recover costs whenever possible, and please reimburse the program accordingly. IF THE CLIENT IS OVER INCOME FOR PRO BONO SERVICES PLEASE ADVISE US IMMEDIATELY. Mediators  may be available to pro bono attorneys at no cost; again, please inform us if your matter may require a mediator. If your pro bono client is hearing-impaired, we provide interpreters.

How many hours and how many cases am I expected to handle? As a guideline, each attorney is expected to perform a minimum of 20 hours of pro bono legal work per year and required to report hours to The Florida Bar OR contribute a "Buy-In" in lieu of taking a case in the suggested amount of $350.00 or greater to Legal Aid.  

I volunteer at a school or donate to several charities. Does that qualify as pro bono?  The aspirational goal is to contribute at least 20 hours of pro bono legal services or contribute $350.00 annually to Legal Aid. General community service such as tutoring or serving on a board is commendable; however, only legal work performed for an income eligible client or organization satisfies the pro bono requirement.

I am not currently practicing law and have no office or staff. How can I help? Attorneys who are not actively practicing law but are licensed and in good standing are still able and encouraged to assist by screening clients, making phone calls or writing letters which may be of great importance to clients.  Additionally, you may assist in areas such as client intakes, pro se clinics, legal hotlines, special projects, training, cases referral, mentoring and co-counsel under the supervision of a Legal Aid attorney. If you are licensed and want to perform pro bono services in small chunks of time please email psb@dadelegalaid.org.

I'm a government attorney, handle PI or criminal cases. How can I help? Regardless of what type of law you practice, you can help.  If you litigate, you can apply those skills in a permanent injunction hearing, uncontested divorce or general civil cases.  If you practice corporate, business law or are a transactional attorney -  you can draft a simple will for a Veteran or handle a closing for a first time homeowner of Habitat for Humanity - we will find a case for you and train you in an area where needed most.  We offer FREE CLE training, maintain a database of training materials and have seasoned attorneys willing to mentor upon request.

What if I cannot accept the case referred to me? If you accept a case but later determine that you can no longer represent the client, please notify the program and client IMMEDIATELY so that the case can be reassigned. Once referred, the program deems the case accepted until notified otherwise.  Due to the extremely high case load we are managing it is imperative that you notify us of acceptance of the case and the status of the case on a quarterly basis and upon completion including a total number of hours expended.

How can I support pro bono legal services?  Dade Legal Aid - Put Something Back is successful serving as a catalyst to match lawyers and firms from all backgrounds and areas of interest and expertise with all agencies in our region.  We are encouraged by the growing number of attorneys joining our team ranks and hope to continue to grow our numbers.  If you have ever accepted a case you know firsthand the ease of accessing cases, trainings and other opportunities.

Host a Seminar or Event 

L to R:  Morgan Edelboim, Jorge Miranda, Jane Fernandes de Pina, Dana Quick, Angela Fiorentino, Jeffrey Bast, Former Judge Stanford Blake, Brett M. Amron, John Eder, Cece Pelaez and Gaby Rodriguez

On behalf of Dade Legal Aid and our grateful pro bono clients, thank you for your support!

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