
Services are available to qualifying clients in the following areas of law:

Domestic Violence - Dade Legal Aid assists victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking and human sex trafficking in need of legal assistance from offices across Miami-Dade County.  If you are in need of free legal assistance and are a victim of domestic violence, please call 305-579-5733 ext. 2229 or 2251 for an appointment with one of our dedicated attorneys or apply online  or If you are in imminent danger, call 911 immediately. 

Family Law  - Dade Legal Aid Staff assists low-income residents with minor children in a variety of family law matters: divorce, paternity, custody, adoption, name change, support and visitation for low-income individuals meeting federal poverty guidelines. Clients may apply online to qualify for free legal representation.

For assistance with initial filing of a family law case call 305-579-5733 ext. 2239 or email

Guardianship – The Eleventh Judicial Circuit's sole provider of free legal aid to indigent residents serving as guardians for elderly, physically or mentally incapacitated family members, loved ones and close friends. The department helps hundreds of families each year allowing family members or close friends to become legal guardians of incapacitated and multi-generational vulnerable adults from age 21 to 110. Legal Aid also provides guardianship services to older children aging out of foster care through this department.  

Put Something Back Pro Bono Project ("PSB")  – The Official Pro Bono Project of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, PSB is the pro bono department of Dade Legal Aid that matches thousands of pre-screened income eligible clients with pro bono attorneys volunteering to help low-income individuals and families in need of civil legal assistance. To be eligible for free services, a client's income may not exceed 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. An organization may qualify for free services if it is primarily comprised of eligible clients and does not have funding in its budget to pay an attorney. Put Something Back assists clients with bankruptcy, collection, consumer, housing; domestic violence, family, probate, real property, will drafting and other civil matters, and a variety of projects. Individuals may apply online or call 305-579-5733 ext. 2222 to see if you qualify for a free attorney.

Bankruptcy  - For those facing collections and foreclosures and seeking bankruptcy, we provide pro bono referrals for qualifying clients throughout the Southern District of Florida (from the Florida Keys to Fort Pierce) as well as telephone consults and referrals to clinics.  Individuals seeking bankruptcy assistance may apply online, email or call 305-579-5733 ext. 2222 or 2264.

Child Advocacy  - Staff Attorneys and Pro Bono Attorneys represent our most vulnerable population, dependent children and foster teens transitioning out of foster care into adulthood, as well as teen victims of human trafficking by ensuring that each youth receives appropriate representation, treatment and services needed to recover and thrive. Our seasoned attorneys advocate for foster teens to ensure that they not only survive, but thrive as they transition into safe, secure and successful adulthood. We also assist unaccompanied minor children in need of representation and assistance in collaboration with partners. 

Not-for-Profits- Non-profit groups serving low-income clients may apply for pro bono corporate, in house, and transactional attorneys to handle general legal matters, incorporation, obtain tax exempt status from the IRS or serve as general counsel. We accept requests from qualifying agencies and startups and pair them with pro bono counsel to serve as their attorney. Attorneys are available to answer your questions through Put Something Back and in partnership with Arts Business Council, Inc. and the Association of Corporate Counsel America. Email for an application. 


More About Put Something Back Pro Bono Project

Put Something Back ("PSB"), the official pro bono program for screening and referring low-income qualifying residents of Miami-Dade County in need of civil assistance, provides pro bono attorneys in areas of civil law. PSB serves as a clearinghouse for attorneys who want to volunteer their time to help the indigent of the community. PSB, which was launched in 1991 in partnership with the Courts, screens and refers eligible clients to volunteer attorneys experienced in a wide range of legal matters, including bankruptcy, collections, consumer, contracts, disaster relief, domestic violence permanent injunctions, family law, general civil, insurance, probate, will drafting and related documents; and, non-fee generating civil court cases.  Since 1991​, the program has handled thousands of cases and recruited thousands of attorneys, including private, corporate counsel and law firms who have signed up to assist. It is the largest and most comprehensive pro bono project in Florida. 

Frequently Asked Questions for Pro Bono

Q: How does the program work?

A: Put Something Back "PSB" accepts applications online at and through a secure telephonic intake system 305-579-5733.  Clients are screened by Legal Aid staff and volunteers via phone and online.  If you are income eligible and qualify for the program's services, and PSB has located an available pro bono attorney to handle your case, PSB will notify you by mail or email.  PSB does not handle fee generating cases, traffic cases, criminal cases, or cases where someone is suing another party for damages.  The project does not accept emergencies.

Q: Who can receive free legal assistance through Put Something Back?

A: You may be eligible for free legal assistance through Put Something Back if: 1) Your household income is not greater than 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, 2) You are a resident of Miami-Dade County,  3)  You have a civil legal matter that is handled by Put Something Back's volunteer attorneys.  To find out if you may qualify for free legal assistance through this program, you must apply and be screened by the program.  If you have already applied and been advised that you do not qualify or we are unable to assist you, you will be referred to anther program that may be able to assist you.  We cannot serve everyone who applies and do not take any responsibility for your case. 

Q: What type of legal matters are and are not handled by this program?

A: In general, the following civil court matters are handled by Put Something Back's volunteer attorneys: guardian ad litem, family matters, domestic violence cases for individuals seeking injunctions for protection, probate, will drafting, consumer, bankruptcy, and real property.  Put Something Back coordinates the "Wills on Wheels" Program, which assists the homebound, incapacitated and elderly of our community who need help in the preparation of their Wills, but are unable to travel. Cases that are not handled by the program include: Criminal, juvenile delinquency, personal injury, and traffic cases; civil cases where you are suing for money; small claims court cases, cases that can be settled by existing court mediation programs, such as landlord/tenant mediation; child support enforcement cases processed by the State Attorney's Office; and any emergency matter that needs legal attention within 21 days of applying for the program. To find out if your particular case qualifies, you must be screened by program staff.

Q: Where do I apply for the program's services?

A: The fastest and easiest way to apply is on line

Q: What do I need to apply for the program's services?

A: Please be prepared to provide upon request the following information to verify that you qualify for the program::

1) Proof of residency of Miami-Dade County such as driver's license, passport or resident card;

2) If you or other members of your household are employed, copies of pay stubs or letters from employers stating incomes. If you or other members of your household are self-employed, notarized affidavits explaining the nature of the work and income;

3) If you or other members of your household receive any public assistance, social security or other documents to verify the amount of benefits;

4)  Any other legal papers or other documents which will assist program staff in determining the type of legal assistance needed.

If you misrepresent your income or the nature of your case, you may be rejected by the referral attorney. If your economic circumstances change at any time, you must notify the program's staff immediately.

Q: If I qualify for the program's free legal services, will I be responsible for paying any costs?

A: Although your attorney's services will be free, you may have to pay for depositions, expert witnesses and other costs, depending on the type and complexity of your case.

Q: If a person does not speak English, when is an interpreter needed?

A: Put Something Back staff can assist clients in Spanish and Creole. However, when meeting with an attorney assigned to the case, persons who do not speak English may be asked to bring someone to translate for them.  Although program staff try to match non-English speaking clients with attorneys who speak their language, this is not always possible.

Q: If I don't qualify for the program's free legal services, who may I contact for legal assistance?

A: If you do not qualify under the program guidelines, or have a case that is not handled by the program, intake staff will direct you to another program which may be able to assist you such as the Miami-Dade Bar Lawyer Referral 1-888-305-LAW-1 which provides referrals to private attorneys or visit or visit  You may also visit Information for Public Defender clients and their families can be found at

Q: For further information about Put Something Back, who do I call?

A: To reach Dade Legal Aid call (305) 579-5733 ext. 2252.

NOTE: If you are a person with a disability and need assistance in contacting the office, please call the ADA Coordinator at Florida Relay Services by dialing 1-800-955-8771 (TDD). Ask to be connected to the Put Something Back Project at telephone number (305) 579-5733 ext. 2222 or you may email

Q: If I am a person with a disability and need assistance, who do I call?

A: If you are a person with a disability and need assistance in appearing in court or participating in a court program or service, please contact the Court ADA Coordinator, at: Voicemail: (305) 349-7175 TDD: (305) 349-7174 Fax No: (305) 349-7355

If you are a person with a disability and need assistance in contacting the Put Something Back office, please call the ADA Coordinator at Florida Relay Services by dialing 1-800-955-8771 (TDD).  Ask to be connected to the Put Something Back project at telephone number (305) 579-579-5733 ext.. 2222.

Q: If I am an existing client with questions or concerns about my case, how do I notify the agency or my attorney?

A: If you are already a client and have questions or concerns about your case, please contact your attorney directly or click here to submit your concerns. All concerns will be reviewed by a Supervisor or Panel who will get back to you within 7 business days. Filling out this form will in no way jeopardize your case. Click here

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