Juanita Cendan, Esq.
Senior Supervising Attorney
Juanita Cendan is a graduate of Seton Hall University and Rutgers University School of Law. Upon graduation, Ms. Cendan was in private practice in New Jersey for several years prior to moving to South Florida and joining the staff of Legal Aid Society in 1990 as a Family Law Staff Attorney. In 2000, she became a Senior Supervising Attorney in Legal Aid’s Family Law Department training dozens of new attorneys and law student interns year-round. She has served as a vital liaison to the South Dade Community for decades and coordinates critical services for victims of Human Sex Trafficking. In 2018, she joined the agency’s Guardianship team to open its South Dade Guardianship Project to provide direct representation for clients in need of a legal Guardianship residing in deep South Dade. In this capacity, she coordinates outreach efforts and workshops and provides direct legal representation for family members and loved ones of indigent adult disabled individuals including migrant farm workers, elders, the medically fragile and other marginalized populations. Ms. Cendan is a member of the Dade County Bar Association Probate & Guardianship Committee, Florida Bar Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section and Family Violence Service Prevention Network. She served on the Board of Connect Familias which provides vital services to family and children in need. She speaks Spanish fluently.